Dustin's Webpage!
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Welcome to my Home Page! Hi, my name is dustin Janes. I am 18 and i live in Independence Missouri. One of my closest friends Steven Donahoo, who has a site by the way (check it out it is in my favorite website's page), helped me build this site. We just started my website, so it will take a little bit to get it all organized. When it's done we hope you all enjoy it. Well like I said; I'm 18 and i live in Missouri. I just recently graduated, June 1st 2002, and my birthday was May 31st 2002 pretty cool huh! Steven threw me the most awesome hotel party, and he had the most hottest stripper their! Thanks man your the best! Anyways, I work at Passintino's SunFresh which is where i know Steven and alot of my most closest friends from. I have been there almost 2 years now and have managed through firings, quitters, and the store being remodled. I have survived it all with a smile on face and a prayer in my heart, the same with my home life school life, and my personal life. That is another story though. Well, you can find out more about me on the pic pages and stuff so check it all out and e-mail me and tell me how you like my site or to just drop by and say hello! I love you all! Have fun! Later!
In this first paragraph, I should introduce myself, my business, my club, or my reason for building a Web site. I can use the subheadings below to give detailed introductions, or I can just summarize the introduction here. I could also give visitors tips for navigating my site—what’s located under each button, for example.
Listing Site Updates
Under one of these subheadings, it’s a good idea to list recent updates to my site so that visitors, especially return visitors, can check out the new stuff first. For example, I could list the date and a brief description of the update:

7/16/00   Added pictures of my vacation to the Photo page.
6/25/00   Updated the team schedule for the fall 200 season.
5/30/00   Added information about a new product my business offers.

I could also list updated news about my site’s topic. For example, if my site were about a particular sport, I’d could discuss the outcome of a recent competition.
Captions for pictures
Adding captions makes my pictures more interesting.

Notifying Visitors of Site Enhancements
Another idea for my home page’s text is notifying visitors about the enhancements I put on my site. For example, I want visitors to sign my guestbook or fill out my survey Form E-mailer to answer questions about my site, my business, or my site’s topic.
Send an email

Getting Rich Quick—From My Site!
I might not want a large amount of text on my home page if I want to guide visitors toward my other pages. Instead of text, I can add others’ buttons to this first page, and I’ll be rewarded for people who click on the buttons. For example, if a visitor signs up for a Visa using the NextCard button on my site, I earn at least !

Captions for pictures
Adding captions makes my pictures more interesting.
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